Flower Selections

Privacy Policy

Issued by Brambles Boutique Florist


The security of your personal information and credit card details are of the utmost importance to Brambles Florist and we work to protect that trust. For this reason our online shopping options are via a secure channel. You can enter your credit card details on a secure form and transmit the form over the internet without risk of an intermediary obtaining your credit card information.


If you purchase a product or service from us we may request certain personally identifiable information from you. You may be required to provide contact information such as name, email, postal address and telephone number plus financial information such as credit card numbers and expiry date. We use this information for billing purposes and to complete your orders. If we have trouble processing a transaction we will use this information to contact you.

Storage of collected information

Any personal information is kept secure and Brambles Florist will not make available any personally identifiable information about you to any third party without first receiving your permission, unless legally required to do so.
We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the personal information submitted to us both during transmission and once we have received it.

Privacy Act

In addition, your personal data is further protected by the New Zealand Privacy Act. This provides amongst other things that the data we hold about you should be processed lawfully and fairly. It should be accurate, relevant and not excessive, nor should it be retained longer than necessary.

Credit Cards
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